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Ohio Belting & Transmission Co.

Leuze - Safety Controllers for Presses

Posted by Ohio Belting & Transmission Co. on 5/24/2017 to Leuze
Leuze - Safety Controllers for Presses

With a wide variety of sensors, switches and control components the smart sensor people are excited to add to the arsenal of products that help to keep your team members safe while increasing productivity and minimizing interruptions. This month we release the next update to our safety PLC portfolio offering new versions to handle your eccentric or hydraulic press operations.

Whether the task is retrofitting an older press or just improving overall safety for newer systems, the simple programming and configuration of the MSI 400 will make your life easier and support shorter down times. The ease of setup can be directly related to the pre-defined function blocks designed specific for press applications.

Additionally the MSO 400 safety controls fulfill requirements in accordance to EN 692 (mechanical presses) and EN 693 (hydraulic presses). Small to medium presses are a great fit for the MSI 400 supporting up to 200 strokes per minute. Here are some of the highlights and available options to help you determine a perfect fit for your application needs:

  • Compact, flexible and expandable for press applications
  • simple programming and configuration
  • Monitoring of press procedures, shaft break sensors or speed sensors and safety valves
  • Control of different operating modes (single stroke, automatic, cyclic, setup mode)
  • Integration of operating units such as two-hand controls, foot switches, E-Stop and operating mode selector switches and safety sensors
  • Simulation function and log generator for simple programming