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Ohio Belting & Transmission Co.

Leuze DRT 25C Dynamic Reference Diffuse Sensors with CAT Technology

Posted by Ohio Belting & Transmission Co. on 8/3/2021 to Leuze
Leuze DRT 25C Dynamic Reference Diffuse Sensors with CAT Technology
Leuze has introduced a new option for the packaging industry: the dynamic reference diffuse DRT 25C sensors, with Contrast Adaptive Teach (CAT) technology. Since an object can change at any time, the new dynamic reference diffuse sensor uses the environment around the object as a constant reference plane. In packaging systems, this is the conveyor belt, which is used as a reference. This new sensor technology allows reliable detection of objects even with difficult shapes and surfaces, ensuring continuous machine output and reduced downtime. No adjustment of the sensor is needed when products or packaging materials are changed, allowing shorter setup times and higher production quantities. The sensors are fast and easy to set up through automatic teaching of the belt surface using the teach button—and requires just one universal mounting for all objects. These sensors also allow reliable operation even if the conveyor belt is soiled or vibrating, and an IO-link to the machine control allows easy integration of additional functions such as a warning message in case of excessive contamination, use of the counter built into the sensor, or locking the teach button.

To learn more about the DRT 25C sensors, click here.